Saturday 19 January 2013

Seventh, Verbs

          Hello hello hello , I guess this is my shortest blog. Well, I've to say that the seventh bel's class was really great. For the first time I guess Miss Zu speak in Malay alot, in this class :))

          So, we studied about verbs , regular and irregular verbs. Most verbs are regular verbs. regular verbs are those whose past tense and past participles are formed by adding a -d or an -ed to the end of the verb. Examples:

roll, rolled, rolled
plan, planned, planned

As for irregular verbs, there is no formula to predict how an irregular verb will form its past-tense and past-participle forms. There are over 250 irregular verbs in English. Although they do not follow a formula, there are some fairly common irregular forms. Some of these forms are:

break, broke, broken
cut, cut, cut
run, ran, run
meet, met, met
come, came come
swim, swam, swum
be was, were been

          At the end of the class that day, Miss Zu gave us a task to do which was to write down 100 examples of regular and irregular verbs. That was all for that day. Here's a video about regular & irregular verbs, enjoy! 

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Sixth, Lights Camera Action

            Hello again, so the sixth bel's class was very fun, as expected. Miss Zu came in and asked us a question on whether we had watched any of the late P. Ramlee's movies or not and which one is our favourite. Everyone responded positively. Thus, she immediately explained our activity for the day. We need to perform a short drama based on any of his movies. We were divided into four groups. I got into group 4 with Adam, Ieka and Nabila. Miss Zu gave us 45 minutes to decide which movie and to discuss about the play.

          After the 45 minutes had passed, the first group started the play by performing the late P. Ramlee's movie titled Madu Tiga. The second group came out right after with their own rendition of Seniman Bujang Lapok. Next, the third group performed Ali Baba Bujang Lapok and last but not least my group, which performed Pendekar Bujang Lapok.

         Once finished, we were asked to write what we feel about the activity and write our suggestions if any. Then, we voted for the best group, actor and actress. Group 3 and 4 got the most vote for the best group. Faris got the most vote for best actor while Hasmin, the best actress.

          To conclude the day, i would like to say that it was fun to do such activity that we did during our sixth class. We got to gain confidence to talk, improve fluency in English and see the other sides of our classmates, which were the funny and creative sides :)

Thats all, THANK YOU :)

Tuesday 1 January 2013

Fifth Class!! :)

          Hello everybody! This is my sixth entry and it will be about what i did during my fifth class on the last day of 2012.

          So, Miss Zu started the class by asking what were we doing during our mid semester break. Most of us answered the question with the same answer; stayed home and did nothing (hmm). Then, she asked us about our blog and called upon my friend, Fathi to show his blog to everybody.

          Next, we were given a test, a nouns' pre-test. The main purpose was to test our memory as we had learnt the same thing during high school. Then, Miss Zu taught us few things on nouns - singular and plural nouns, collective nouns and possessive nouns. These are the few examples of what we had learnt:

Singular and Plural Nouns

  • In compound nouns, add s only to the main noun.
This family uses one air-conditioner and one washing machine. their neighbours use three air-conditioners and two washing machines.

  • Add es to a noun ending with a whistling sound (s, sh, ch, x, z) to make it plural.
one bus - three buses, a church - many churches, a box - boxes 

Other examples of what we had learnt that day can be retrieve by clicking the text below:

           The lesson went well and I felt like I was still in the elementary school. That is all for today, till the next class! Thank you :)