Monday 31 December 2012

Fourth Class

         In the fourth class, Miss Zu had explained that the main focus for the day would be writing since we have done few talking activities in the previous classes. But before our activities started, she explained to us a few type of essays.

          Next, she instructed us to do a free writing essay on anything, anything that was in our mind during that moment without thinking about the grammatical errors. Just write and write and never stop until she says so. It was really fun because that was my very first time to do such activity that i can write anything freely and just write without worries.

         Our second activity was quick writing. It was actually the same with the first activity but this time we need to write according to the right grammatical rules. While doing quick writing, we split ourself into groups of three. We were asked to take turns from left to right and write an essay on “When Justin Bieber Meets Hantu Kak Limah”. Each of us were given five minutes to do the essay and once the time is up, we need to give the paper to the person next to us in our group to continue and write for another five minutes and so on. It was very intense that time but we managed to do it. Once everyone has finished, we were asked to read out our titled essay in front of everybody.

          The fourth class ended well and i had so much fun hearing people's creativity in creating a fictional story. I also learned to improve my writing skills and get to learn new things.

Thank you.

Sunday 23 December 2012



         So what we did in our third class were fun! First, we did an activity called 'That's Shocking'. It was a simple but exciting activity. Miss Zu asked us to write 4 shocking things about ourself, something that people does not know about me. One of the things that i wrote was 'I can curse you til you cry if you make me angry'. Shocking enough? Then, she instructed us to fold the paper and make the thing we used to make during high school; a paper rocket! Once we're done, we threw the paper to each other and each person got different people's paper. We read the things on the paper and need to guess who's paper we were reading. That was that.

          Our second activity started right after we finished the first activity. It was called 'The Circle of Network'. We were divided into two respective groups with 9 people in each group. The first group need to form a circle then the second group too, but outside the first group's circle. Once done, the people from the first group, the inner circle were asked to turn and face the people from the second group. Next, Miss Zu told us to ask questions and talk to the person we faced until she says stop. Questions were the basic informations about the person such as name, the place he/she stays and others. The process went on and on as we moved to the left to face different person and completed the whole circle.

          In the nutshell, the purpose of the third class was to get to know each other better so it will be easy for us to work together as a team as we go through the first semester and also to improve our speaking skills.

That was all, thank you for reading :)

Sunday 16 December 2012

Second, new friends


        Well this is my second entry in this blog. In this entry I would like to tell you guys a bit about my second class for bel. So the second day of classes, our Miss gave some activities for us to know each of our class members. The instruction was we have to introduce to the whole class about our partner such as his/her name , what his/her like or dislike and we have to find four facts about our partner but one of the facts must be a lie. We've been given the partner randomly by Miss Zu.

         So as for my partner , her name is Nur Fatini Bt. Abd. Wahab. She lives in Cheras , Selangor. She studied at SMK BANDAR TUN HUSSEIN ONN. Her hobbies are sleeping, eating and watching movies. Things that she likes to do are hang-out with her friends and waste her time. zzzzz. 

         I guess I don't need to tell about her much cause I've presented in front all of you in the class :) so yeah, that's all.


First Day Of My Bel Class.

           A very good morning to my lovely Miss Zu and to all my friends. Today's class was awesome. Well basically it was my first day of classes. I found it interesting and I met a lot of new friends. So,our first task is Miss Zu told us to make a blog for our bel class. 

          In this blog, we've been told to write about what we've been through in our bel class. Well I found it is really great to have a blog for our bel class. This is because we can improve our english language day by day. So as for my new entry I would like to say that I wish I can improve my english well and Insya-Allah I will score an 'A' for my bel.

Thank you! 

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Adventure of BEL 120.

This is the FIRST blog that i ever made in my entire life. That's all for today.