Sunday 16 December 2012

Second, new friends


        Well this is my second entry in this blog. In this entry I would like to tell you guys a bit about my second class for bel. So the second day of classes, our Miss gave some activities for us to know each of our class members. The instruction was we have to introduce to the whole class about our partner such as his/her name , what his/her like or dislike and we have to find four facts about our partner but one of the facts must be a lie. We've been given the partner randomly by Miss Zu.

         So as for my partner , her name is Nur Fatini Bt. Abd. Wahab. She lives in Cheras , Selangor. She studied at SMK BANDAR TUN HUSSEIN ONN. Her hobbies are sleeping, eating and watching movies. Things that she likes to do are hang-out with her friends and waste her time. zzzzz. 

         I guess I don't need to tell about her much cause I've presented in front all of you in the class :) so yeah, that's all.


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