Saturday 23 March 2013

The Final Words


So this will be my last post for this blog. In this post, I will conclude everything about my BEL120 experience for this semester :)

First of all, when I first entered Miss Zu's class, I never expected the class would be as interesting as it was. I never expected to have such a chill and happy environment to study. I never expected to do so many activities with my friends. And last of all, I never expected a person like Miss Zu would be as sporting as she is :p 

Since day 1 of BEL120's class until the last class last Thursday, I had learned soooooo many things, and thanks to Miss Zu for that. I think I had improve in many aspects. During her class, we were asked to sing, act, debate and others. Now I understand Miss Zu's exact purpose of doing those activities. It was for our own good as in the future we need to face those kind of things like speaking up our opinions and to overcome our fears.

p/s Miss Zu, I am sorry for all my wrongdoings, if I had broke your heart, if I didn't give what you had expected.....I am truly sorry :( I promise to do my very best in finals, but sorry in advance if I do not do well. Please give me extra marks :p hehe. Assalamualaikum, peace and out. Bye :D

Last class

21st March 2013

Hi!! So today was our last class for the semester. The first activity for that day was we discussed about the paper that Miss Zu gave us the day before. 

Thennnnnn, Miss Zu surprised us with snacks and stuffs!!! We got to eat, chit chat and take pictures togetherrrr. It was a sad last class, but we had fun talking to each other and relax before our final exam. That was all that we did that day...... No more bel120's class after this. :(

Bye bye! 

2nd last

20th March 2013

Helllllloooooo, so today was our 2nd last class for this semester. During this class, Miss Zu gives us a pop quiz. We need to do an essay, by groups but each person was given each part of the essay. I was assigned to do the introductory paragraph of the essay. After my given time has finished, i need to pass the paper to my other group members for their parts. Each part had its own given time to complete it. It was an opening eyes for me to make sure that I need to get ready for the upcoming exam.

After we had finish that activity, Miss Zu gave us past year questions on reading section to be completed. We discussed the answer after that. Before the class ended, Miss Zu gave us another set of past year 's paper to be completed in the next class..

So that was all for that day, so not ready for the last class and to say goodbye to Miss Zu :(

Movie Day!

18th March 2013

Hello, today's class was supposed to be in the morning but Miss Zu cancelled the class and replaced it with a night class. The activity of the night was we watched a movie titled 'Taken'.

Taken is a movie about a retired CIA agent who travels across Europe and relies on his old skills to save his estranged daughter, who has been kidnapped while on a trip to Paris. His daughter was one of the victims of the human trafficking activity. Miss Zu then asked us to write an essay about human trafficking individually.

That was all for that night, hehehe bye bye thanks! :D

Drawing Conclusion

14th March 2013

So today we learned about how to draw a conclusion. Drawing a conclusion is making a judgement after considering all the information read. 

The following tips will make your life easier when you wanna draw a conclusion :p

  1. Look at the clues in the story
  2. Make connections between pieces of information
  3. Think about what you know from past experiences
  4. Decide if what you know applies to the story
  5. Consider information that is not clearly stated
  6. Use all of what you know to draw a conclusion

Presentation after presentation

13th March 2013

So last week, as i mentioned in my previous post dated 7th of March 2013, all of the groups except Erna's group failed the essay on drugs. We need to redo our essay and present it today. My group topic was The Negative Effects of Drug Overused. Syukur Alhamdulillah we got it correct now, there were a few mistakes here and there but I promise to improve next time. 

That was all for today, thank you!!!  

Making Reference

11th March 2013

Hello hello hello! 

We learned about making reference for an essay today. Making reference is to receive and understand information that is not directly stated. And as usual, again, we were divided into few groups and I was in the same group with Tini and Ika. Miss Zu showed us a music video (Bruno Mars - Grenade). At a point, Miss Zu stopped the video and asked us to predict of what's gonna happen next. It was an exciting activity for the rest of us. Here is the video of the song.

After that activity, we played a game called Find The Murderer. It was also an exciting activity but some of us did not understand the game. Overall, it was a fun fun day for all of us. Thank you :)

Essay Presentation

7th March 2013

So on this day we were asked to do a presentation on the essay topic that Miss Zu had given us few days before. Miss Zu was unhappy with the outcomes and only Erna's group got it right.

I'm so sorry Miss Zu :D

Main Idea

6th March 2013

Main idea of a paragraph tells the topic of the paragraph. The topic tells what all or most of the sentences are about.

The rain forest is home to many creatures. Monkeys, toucans and macaws live in the rain forest. Blue Morpho butterflies and anteaters also live in the rain forest. 

Soccer players learn many skills when playing soccer. Soccer players learn how to dribble and pass the ball. They also learn how to control the ball so they can eventually score. Most importantly, soccer players learn how to work together with their teammates.

*main idea 

An example of main idea and the elaborations.

 As usual, Miss Zu divided us into several group and we played a game. She showed us three videos and we need to find the main idea in each video. 


Replacement Class :D

Hello, so today's class was at 8pm-10pm. I came 20 minutes late and Miss Zu was mad at those who came late and we were asked to pay RM1 each. We studied about body paragraph and the conclusion paragraph that night.  

Body paragraphs are the meat of your essay, and as such are the most important component of your essay. In the body paragraphs, you will expand upon and provide support for the theme you introduced in the first paragraph and will provide the details that move that theme forward.

Each paragraph contains:

A topic sentence that expands your theme and makes a transition from the previous paragraph
Development of ideas that support your essay's theme
An ending sentence that wraps up the paragraph and helps to transition into the next paragraph

Conclusion are the sentences or paragraphs that bring a speech, essay, report or book to a satisfying and logical end. The length of a conclusion is generally proportional to the length of the whole text. While a single paragraph is usually all that's required to conclude a standard essay or composition.

 Strategies for Concluding an Essay
Although there are no set formulas for closing, the following list presents several options:
  1. Restate the thesis of your essay, and perhaps your main points.
  2. Mention the broader implications or significance of your topic.
  3. Give a final example that pulls all the parts of your discussion together.
  4. Offer a prediction.
  5. End with the most important point as the culmination of your essay's development.
  6. Suggest how the reader can apply the information you have just imparted.
  7. End with a bit of drama or a flourish. Tell an anecdote, offer an appropriate quotation, ask a question, make a final insightful remark.

Sunday 17 March 2013


4th March.

Test test test! We had our test today, the test was held for an hour and 15 minutes. We were asked to sit distance to each other. The test was okay, Alhamdulillah :)

Surprise Test! (28th February)

          Holla! So today was the day when Miss Zu surprised us with a test. Before starting the test, she explained to us about the format of the paper. Then she gave us a test paper each. Without thinking any further, we did our test in about an hour and 15 minutes. Then after we had finished our test, Miss Zu asked us to exchange our papers with our partners. So it was not a real test, it was just a pranked :p

Before the class ended, Miss Zu informed us about our replacement class on Monday night and the real test will be on Monday morning. That was all for that day. Thank you :D

Future Tenses (27th February)

Hello Hello!

Today was the last presentation that we need to do in this grammar part. The last group to present was Fathi and Fatin's group. Due to some problems, Fatin couldn't come to class. So, I was the one who helped Fathi presenting that day. The topic was Future Tenses.

Future Tense

  1. a present form of be plus going to: "We are going to leave."
  2. the present progressive: "They are leaving tomorrow."
  3. the simple present: "The children leave on Wednesday."
  4. the form of a verb used in speaking of action that has not yet occurred or of states not yet in existence.


Future tense/ time can be express using : 
  'will' + be verb
1) I will help your assignment this evening.
2) They will sign the contract tomorrow.
3) We shall talk to the manager tonight.
Time Expression.
Tomorrow, soon, tonight, next month, next weekend, in a few minutes,shortly, this evening, right away.
  • Affirmative , Negative and Interrogative forms 'will + be verb
- To predict future action or condition
1) In my opinion , Abdullah Hassan will win the Best Director Award in the Film Festival this year. (Affirmative)
2) In my opinion, Abdullah Hassan will  not win the Best Director Award in the Film Festival this year. (Negative)
3) Will Abdullah Hassan win the Best Director Award in the Malaysian Film Festival this year? (interrogative)

  • To predict habitual actions in the future.
1) Wafi Mohsin will host the programme, who's doing what? Every Sunday morning for the next two seasons. (Affirmative)
2)  Wafi Mohsin will not host/ won't host the programme, who's doing what? Every Sunday morning for the next two seasons. (Negative)
3) Will Wafi Mohsin host the programme, who's doing what? Every Sunday morning for the next two seasons? (Interrogative)

  • For events scheduled in the near future.
1) The theater will start at 8pm (Affirmative)
2) The theater will not start/ won't start at 8pm (Negative)
3) Will the theater start at 8pm? (Interrogative)

  • When making offers.
1) I will help/shall help you with your script writing after class if you want. (Affirmative)
2) I will not help/ shall not help you with your script writing. (Negative)
3) Shall I help you with your script writing after class? (Interrogative)

  • For an action which is likely to happen in the future.
1) It is reported Priyanka Chopra will attend a shoot in Malaysia next month. (Affirmative)
2) It is reported that Priyanka Chopra will not attend / won't attend a shoot in Malaysia next month. (Negative)
3) Will Priyanka Chopra attend a shoot in Malaysia next month? (Interrogative)

  •  "Be going to"
- "Be going to" can be used to express the future time in the following way:

is/are/am + going to + base form of verb
- after " going to" must in original form of verb.
- is- singular
- are-plural
- am- I

1) Fasha is going to dine with her fans Hard Rock Cafe this weekend.

Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative forms. " Be going to " + verb

  • For expressing intensions.
1) Professor Madya Abdul Razak Mohidden is going to direct another romantic comedy soon. (Affirmative)
2) Professor Madya Abdul Razak Mohidden is not going to direct/isn't going to direct another romantic comedy soon. (Negative)
3) Is Professor Madya Abdul Razak Mohidden going to direct another romantic comedy soon? (Interrogative)

  • To make predictions.
1) I am sure Reshmonu is going to win the Best Performer Award this year. (Affirmative)
2) I am sure Reshmonu is not going to win/ isn't going to win the Best Performer Award this year. (Negative)
3) Is Reshmonu going to win the Best Performer this year? (Interrogative)

  • To indicate future activities.
1) The acrobats are going to perform this Sunday. (Affirmative)
2) The acrobats are not going to perform/ aren't going to perform this Sunday. (Negative)
3) Are the acrobats going to perform this Sunday? (Interrogative)

  Present Continuous
- The present continuous tense can be used to express the future time in the following way :

Example: Anuar Zain is performing in KLCC next month.


Affirmative, Negative and Interrogative forms for Present Continuous Tense

Examples: 1) The acrobats are coming tomorrow evening (Affirmative )
2) The acrobats are not coming/ aren't coming tomorrow evening. (Negative)
3) Are the acrobats coming tomorrow evening? (Interrogative)


  • Used to express future actions or conditions that are on a definite schedule.
  • Include the arrrival and departure schedules of trains ,buses and aeroplanes.

Examples:1) The matinee show begins at 12.30 noon. (Affirmative)
2) The matinee show does not begin/ doesn't begin at 12.30 noon. (Negative)
3) Does the matinee show begins at 12.30 noon? (Interrogative)


Begin, Leave, Commence, Depart,Open, Arrive, Start.

 After Fathi's presentation, Miss Zu continues teaching us further more on Present and Past Perfect Tense.Then, she gave us past year questions to be completed before the class dismissed. 

Present perfect tense

Past Perfect Tense

Simple Past and Past Continuous Tense

Hi, it was a morning Monday class. I was supposed to present first with Ayu but I couldn't come to class on time due to some problems. So, Faris and Ila presented first on Past Continuous Tense. 

 Past continuous tense

To show what somebody was doing at a particular time in the past, we use the past continuous tense.

1. I was playing badminton at this time yesterday.
2. She was cycling at 9.00a.m yesterday.
 3. They were playing table tennis at 6.30 last night.

Uses of past continuous tense
  • We use the past continuous and past simple tense in the same sentences.


1. Sam hurt himself when he was jumping over the vaulting horse.
2. They were watching televisyen when i arrived.

  • Sometimes we use the past continuous tense to talk about two or more actions which were talking place at the same time in the past


1. Grandfather was watching televisyen while grandmother was knitting.
2. Father was sleeping while mother was drinking some water.

  •  was --à singularWere --à plural

1. Faris + was + eating(singular)
2. They + were + eating

  • Affirmative
1. Afif was playing game on the computer last night.
2. The boys were playing games on the computer last night.
  • Negative
1. Alif was not playing games on the computer last night.
2. They were not playing games on the computer last night.

  • Interrogative
1. Were the boys playing games on the coputer last night?
2. Was Afif playing games on the computer last night?

And thennn, after they had finished, it was my turn to present ours. We presented about Simple Past Tense.

 Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is used to describe an action or event which occured at a specific time in past.

Uses of simple past tense

  • actions that happened quickly
  • actions that happened over time 
  • actions that were habits in the past.
1. I arrived home at five (this happened in past)
2. Yesterday I worked on my math homework for three hours.(happened over time in the past)

  • Affirmative
1. I was in Japan last year.
2. She had a headache yesterday.
3. We did our homework last night.

  • Negative
1. I was not in Japan last year
2. We did not do our homework last night.

  • Interrogative
1. Did they do their homework last night?
2. Did she eat durian last night?


Simple Present vs Present Continuous Tense

Heloooooo, the class started as usual after a short one week holiday for Chinese New Year. We continued our lesson on grammar and Miss Zu asked the next group to present their slides to us. They are Adam and Aisyah, and Wan and Nabilah.

Simple Present Tense 

  • To tell about things that happen again and again(habit)

- Ahmed drinks coffee every afternoon
- Many American children wear costumes on Halloween.

  • To tell facts.

- Peru is in South America .
- Water freezes at 32 Fahrenheit.

  • Simple present with non-action verbs.

- Marian and Clara know Arabic.
- Roberto likes bullfight.

Affirmative statement
- Use the base form of the verb for all person except third person singular.Put –s or –es on third person singular.


1.Ted dresses up like a lion.

2.Daniel dances in the Chinese New Year Parade each year.

Negative statement

- Use "does not" and "do not" before the base form.


1.She does not take off her shoes.

2.Some people do not enjoy sushi.

*Singular - Does

*Plural - Do

*Singular verb + ‘s’

*Plural - verb does not + ‘s’

Question statement

- Use ‘’do or ‘’does’’ in the sentences.


1.Do many chinese eat noodles?

2.Does Shila like to eat spicy food?

After they had finished presenting, the next group which was Adam and Nabilah group came to the front to present their topic on Present Continuous Tense. 
Present Continuous Tense 

  Definition - Describe an action that is happening at the moment of speaking.
  • ‘be verb’ + base form of verb+ -ing
  • Is/are/am + bese form of verb + -ing
1.The singer is singing the contract now.
2.The members of the group are talkng to the manager at the moment.

Uses of present continuous tense

  • used when two or more actions happen simultaneously.
1. While Fasha Sandha is posing for the cameraman,her manager is talking on the phone.
2. The crew is working hard to prepare the stage,while the performers are rehearsing.

  • Some verbs are not usually used in the present continuous tense.These verbs describe a state,a condition or a situation which exists.
1.The food tastes good
2.He knows the answer
3.He seems angry.

  • Even though some of these words describe condition,they can also be used to describe an action and sometimes used in the present continuous.
1.Que Haidar is appearing in Mamat Khalid’s latest comedy.(appearing=action)
2.Mr.Oki Sasaki is thinking of Syarifah Aini.
(thinking - pondering about/action)

For more information, click on the link! :D

Speaking test Group 5 + Pre-listening test

We started our class with Group 5 speaking test. Then, after they had finished their speaking test, Miss Zu conducted a pre-listening test. We were given a set of past year question for practice before the real test. It consisted of three parts; A, B and C. The time given was 30 minutes and the total mark was 15 marks.

In listening part we must follow the PROCEDURE:

1.Listen carefully when the recording is played for the first time.
2.You are given one minute to answer the questions.
3.Listen to the recording for the second time.As you listen,check your answer.
4.The same procedure applies to Part B and Part C

Speaking test Group 1 - 4 (6th February)

           On the 6th of February, I had my speaking test with the rest of my group members and the other three groups. I was really nervous about the speaking test because I cannot escape this time, I really need to speak up. But then, it all went well I guess, Alhamdulillah.

That was all for that day, tataaa! :D

Forum (4th February 2013)

Helllloooooooo, the activity of the was Forum! Forum is a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged. As usual, we were divided into groups. There are 4 groups which were:

Group 1
- Hani (MC)
- Faris
- Iffah 
- Erna

Group 2 
- Hasmin (MC)
- Adam
- Nabila
- Me

Group 3
- Reen (MC)
- Ila
- Ika 
- Aisyah 
- Wan 

Group 4
- Siti (MC)
- Tini
- Ayu
- Fathi

Introduction on Speaking Test

31st January 2013 :)

          In this class, Miss Zu told us that we will be having a speaking test on the 6th and 7th of February. She then divided us into 5 groups. 4 groups will have their speaking test on the 6th and the remaining one on the 7th. She also explained to us about the rules for the speaking test. Then, she gave us past year questions and a sample of paper on proper language to use for us to practice for the real speaking test. I was placed in group 4 together with Adam and Ika.

Sooooooo, til then!

Adjective vs Adverbs


Hello, so today we continued with grammar"s presentatiuons. people that presented that day were Fatini, Iffah, Erna and Azira. The first group pof the day which was Fatini's group presented about adjectives.

Adjectives are the words that describe or modify another person or thing in a sentence.

  • To describe the quality of peoples, things, places and so on. (poor, rich, full, empty, injured)
  • To describe or gives more information about noun/ pronoun. (fresh fruit, stale fish,green vegetable)
  • To point our things or people. (Those groundnut are crunchy.) (This cake is scrumptious.)
Nouns can be used as adjectives. These nouns are in singular form.
  An orange cake.
A duck egg.
A garden party.
An adjectives can be formed using '-ing' from of a word (present participal)
Appetising meal.
Cooking demonstration.
An adjective can be formed using the '-ed' from of the word (past participle).
Fried fish.
Preserve fruit.
Nationalities can be used as nouns.
English pancake.
French toast.

An adjective can be used to compare two people or things. Such comparative adjectives are usually formed by adding '-er' to the adjective.
The knife is sharper than that one.

Superlative adjectives are used to compare three or more people or things. These adjective are usually formed by adding '-est' to an adjective and using the article 'the' in front of it.
- Buy food from the cleanest stall. 
- Choose the biggest phone. 
The comparative or superlatives adjective end in '-y' ,change to '-i' before adding '-er' or '-est'.
  - Adnan is hungriest than Ali. 
- This is the dirtiest food stall I've ever seen.

Some comparative and superlative adjective are formed by using the base form of the adjective with the expressions ‘more...than’ or ‘the most ...’.

For Example:
1) .....more nutritious than .....
2) .....more nourishing than ....
3) .....more intoxicating ....

The position of adjectives-- before noun.
  A delicious meal.
A cold drink.
A tiring day.
Strenuous exercise.

After the verb to be.
  - He is thirsty.
-I am ravenous.
- The mangoes are ripe.

After in transitive verb (feel , taste, smell , appear, look , sound ,seem).
  - The cheese are smell awful
- The fish looks fresh
- The jogger appears exhausted
The next group, which was Siti's group presented about Adverbs. Let me tell you more about it :DDD

Adverbs are words that modify:
  • a verb (He drove slowly. — How did he drive?)
  • an adjective (He drove a very fast car. — How fast was his car?)
  • another adverb (She moved quite slowly down the aisle. — How slowly did she move?)


Kinds of Adverbs

Adverbs of Manner
   She moved slowly and spoke quietly.
Adverbs of Place
   She has lived on the island all her life.
   She still lives there now.
Adverbs of Frequency
   She takes the boat to the mainland every day.
   She often goes by herself.
Adverbs of Time
   She tries to get back before dark.
   It's starting to get dark now.
   She finished her tea first.
   She left early.
Adverbs of Purpose
   She drives her boat slowly to avoid hitting the rocks.
   She shops in several stores to get the best buys.
  That was all for that day. Thanks !