Sunday 17 March 2013


23rd January - Wednesday

hi! On that wonderful Wednesday, two groups need to present their topics. The two groups were Group 1 (Ika and Hani) and Group 2 (Hasmin and Reen).

We started the presentation with Ika and Hani's group. They presented about Pronouns.
Definition: small word that takes place as a noun. (examples: he, you, our, themselves,her,him)

Type of pronouns
  • Personal pronouns - replace nouns ( I, You, They, It, We, He, She)
example: Adriana is beautiful. She got her look from her father.

  • Reflexive pronouns - intensify  antecedents , reflect antecedents (myself, yourself, ourself, himself, herself, itself, themselves)
example: He is going back all by himself. 

  • Relative pronouns - join two sentences, taking the place of nouns/ pronouns refering to antecedents (who, whose, which, that)
example: A lecturer is a person who teaches in universities or colleges. 

  • Interrogative Pronouns - form questions (what, when, where, why, who, how.)
What time did you wake up yesterday?
When is your birthday?
Who is standing beside Molly?
Where do you live?
Why is she crying?
How do you know Hazim?

         So, next presentation was from Hasmin and Reen. Their topic was Articles and Determiners. Basically, there are two types of articles in English: the definite article (the) and the indefinite (a/an). The definite article specifies a particular individual; the indefinite article indicates that the following noun is a member of a class.

After the two presentations, Miss Zu teaches us about " Subject Verb Agreement"

  •   singular subject use SINGULAR. 
Example: Ali robs the bank.
  • plural subjects use PLURAL.
Example: Ali and Amir rob the bank. 

Reduce sentence to simplest form.
Example: A good set of skis costs/ cost hundreds of dollar.

Compound subject using "or"
- neither nor, either or, both or.

  Indefinite Pronouns - everybody, everyone, somebody, anybody, Each of the student
Collective nouns are singular
- words ending with "s" are singular
- Money and measurement are singular - Expression the number is singular
  • the number -- is/was
  • a number -- are/were
For more info about this topic, you can click on the link below, thanks :D

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