Saturday 16 March 2013

Presentation Day! :D

          Hello, we meet again! So, as stated in my previous post, each group needs to do and present to the whole class an introductory paragraph of an essay based on the hook that we got. These were the results:

1) Personal Examples (Ayu & Wan)

          Daniel from Kelantan studied at Oxford University in London. He was a smart student and he got many academic awards from many countries such as Mexico, Japan and Korea. Daniel started being friends with a man from other country and they got closer (Hook- personal observation). Due to the fact, he begun an affair with that man and he started behaving like a girl (Transition). Thus, here are some factors why man changes his personality to “transvestite” such as family problems,influence of friends and frustration (Thesis statement).

2) Quotations (me with Min and Siti)

           “I hate to hear you talk about all women as if they were fine ladies instead of rational creatures. None of us want to be in calm waters all our lives.”  A quote stated by Janes Austen . I definitely agree with this quote because women are one of the biggest groups being discriminated today . Discrimination against women is often found in workplaces all over the world . Women are paid lower than men , and women do not get promoted as fast as men . There are so many barriers that stop women from moving up in their careers . This way of thinking should be stopped because women have their rights to be successful in life , just like men . There are many ways to stop this problem from broadening such as teaching employees and students about discrimination through meetings and classes . Next , people should display flyers in popular spots among the work or school zone, such as in hallways, information boards, break rooms and restrooms.  Lastly , people should join the battle against discrimination though a variety of organizations that fight discrimination together

 *the hook *transition *thesis 

3) Facts or Statistics (Tini, Ila & Aisyah)

         According to the Daily News dated July 1, 2010, the percentage of female students who continue higher education institutions is much higher than the percentage of men by 64.8% to 26,229 from 40,506 of the total (the hook – fact). This shows that male students admission to institutions of higher education has decreased from year to year.  These statistics are frightening and should not be taken lightly. The factors of this phenomena is because boys are more interested in the areas of skills, working and not interested to continue their studies. (the transition).  In order not to become one of these statistics, boys need to be more discipline, put more on effort and should get more support from their parents.  (thesis statement)

4) Rhetorical questions ( Adam, Nabila & Hani)

          There are different point of view on sexual orientation. From the several myths in the world, what makes a person gay? Are they born gay? Is it social upbringing that channels them to be gay? What are the possible reasons that made them gay? (Hook) (Rhetorical questions) Some may gave excuses that their parents are not loyal and to them that in addition, more women nowadays dare to cheat on their spouses. This also goes for men. Some of them are also influenced by their friends to establish a homosexuality relationship with their partners. (Transition) At present, there are some reasons why most of them choose to be gay such as influenced by the western culture, peer pressure and biological transformation. (thesis statement) 

5) Current Issue (Fathi and Azreen)

         Nowadays, we can see in news paper, television and internet showed us about issue and problem about pengkid and queer. Pengkid and queer can easily identified with their behavior, character and the way they dress up.We also can see in television mostly this group without worried and no fear with public view dare to show and obtrude out (the hook)(current issue). But they are not the only one that should be blamed on, sometimes there are few conditions that turn them to be in that particular group (transition). Thus , there are few factors that make this pengkid and queer involved and fall to this unhealthy act such as peer pressure, family problem and frustrate. (thesis statement).

6) Contrast to thesis statement (Erna, Ika & Fatin)

Since 2000, around 11 countries have begun to allow same-sex couples to marry. The recognition of same-sex marriages is a civil rights, equality, human rights, political, social, moral, and religious issue in many nations.(the hook-contrast) Debates arise over whether same-sex couples should be allowed or not. Gay marriage expresses an individual freedom. Countries which legalized same sex marriages appeared to have more stabilize society. (transition) However, research has stated that gay marriages should not be supported due to the fact that marriage is an institution between man and woman, gay relationship is immoral and it would have threaten the institution of marriage. (thesis statement)

7) Definition (Faris & Iffah)   

           Transvestite is a person who dresses in the clothes of opposite sex . Transvestites generally have lesser or no desires to permanently change their sex, but simply enjoy being able to cross-dress from time to time. (Hook–definition) Transvestite is considered as a sin in Islamic culture because it is against the rules of islam. In islam someone who changes his/she gender is a sin because they do not know how to appreciate the things that were given to them (Transition) Thus, there are ways to stop transvestite such as speaking with the gender therapists, ignore people’s thought and lastly, do not mix around with the transvestites. (Thesis statement)



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