Saturday 23 March 2013

2nd last

20th March 2013

Helllllloooooo, so today was our 2nd last class for this semester. During this class, Miss Zu gives us a pop quiz. We need to do an essay, by groups but each person was given each part of the essay. I was assigned to do the introductory paragraph of the essay. After my given time has finished, i need to pass the paper to my other group members for their parts. Each part had its own given time to complete it. It was an opening eyes for me to make sure that I need to get ready for the upcoming exam.

After we had finish that activity, Miss Zu gave us past year questions on reading section to be completed. We discussed the answer after that. Before the class ended, Miss Zu gave us another set of past year 's paper to be completed in the next class..

So that was all for that day, so not ready for the last class and to say goodbye to Miss Zu :(

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