Sunday 17 March 2013

Simple Past and Past Continuous Tense

Hi, it was a morning Monday class. I was supposed to present first with Ayu but I couldn't come to class on time due to some problems. So, Faris and Ila presented first on Past Continuous Tense. 

 Past continuous tense

To show what somebody was doing at a particular time in the past, we use the past continuous tense.

1. I was playing badminton at this time yesterday.
2. She was cycling at 9.00a.m yesterday.
 3. They were playing table tennis at 6.30 last night.

Uses of past continuous tense
  • We use the past continuous and past simple tense in the same sentences.


1. Sam hurt himself when he was jumping over the vaulting horse.
2. They were watching televisyen when i arrived.

  • Sometimes we use the past continuous tense to talk about two or more actions which were talking place at the same time in the past


1. Grandfather was watching televisyen while grandmother was knitting.
2. Father was sleeping while mother was drinking some water.

  •  was --à singularWere --à plural

1. Faris + was + eating(singular)
2. They + were + eating

  • Affirmative
1. Afif was playing game on the computer last night.
2. The boys were playing games on the computer last night.
  • Negative
1. Alif was not playing games on the computer last night.
2. They were not playing games on the computer last night.

  • Interrogative
1. Were the boys playing games on the coputer last night?
2. Was Afif playing games on the computer last night?

And thennn, after they had finished, it was my turn to present ours. We presented about Simple Past Tense.

 Simple Past Tense

Simple past tense is used to describe an action or event which occured at a specific time in past.

Uses of simple past tense

  • actions that happened quickly
  • actions that happened over time 
  • actions that were habits in the past.
1. I arrived home at five (this happened in past)
2. Yesterday I worked on my math homework for three hours.(happened over time in the past)

  • Affirmative
1. I was in Japan last year.
2. She had a headache yesterday.
3. We did our homework last night.

  • Negative
1. I was not in Japan last year
2. We did not do our homework last night.

  • Interrogative
1. Did they do their homework last night?
2. Did she eat durian last night?


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