Saturday 16 March 2013

Introductory Paragraph

          Hello, so today we learned about introductory paragraph. Introductory paragraph is the first paragraph in an essay and it is very important because it introduces the essay's topic. It must be eye catching because we need to get the reader's attention to read the whole essay. We can use any one from the seven types of the hook in an introductory paragraph.
There are:
  • Personal example - based on our own observations or experiences
  • Quotations - shows emotions, and does not necessary from a famous person
  • Facts or Statistics - from credible sources, unusual
  • Rhetorical questions - making people wonder and think
  • Current events - about an issue, what's happening to the world these days
  • Contrast to the thesis statement - directly contrast to the thesis statement
  • Definition - the meaning of words, elaborations
         Miss Zu then divides us into seven group. I was placed in the same group with Hasmin and Tini. Each group must presented an introductory paragraph using either one of the hook and my group need to do a paragraph based on quotations.

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